All characters are on their way to the colony because they are running away from something. All characters have shadows in their past that influence the present. And most of the characters are - in one way or another - not "good" people, even if their motives and feelings are understandable.
The Character Sheet
The characters are at the centre of the larp. They are rather long - with inspirations, many relations, play suggestions and their design function. At the same time, they are rather archetypal and high concept: they are less realistic people than focussed explorations of their themes.
The character sheet should inspire, not restrict you. It is not important to know all the specific background details by heart. Rather, it should convey how it feels to be that person, what the character's themes and stories are and what their function in the game is. Your character is yours: Feel free to add, change or drop details - as long as you don't change the core idea and design function, and discuss any changes that affect others (e.g. relations) with them first.
Crew members may have slightly more play responsibility, such as organising an event or giving a speech. There is a lot of support from us with this, but expect to prepare a bit more.
All characters are gender-neutral, but leave enough freedom to add identities. Age, gender etc. will not play a role in casting. For some characters, a rough age group is given because they are very young or have grown-up children. These characters can be played by players of any age - how old someone looks does not matter.
We will publish short teasers for all characters here later in the year. They will come with the most important themes and individual content warnings (CW).